To party or not to party? That is the question I asked myself for several months leading up to Marcus’s first birthday. I’m always down for a party because it typically presents the opportunity to buy a new outfit and drink vodka with reckless abandon. But a baby’s first birthday is hardly the occasion for cleavage and dancing...or is it?
About two weeks into planning I knew that I was going overboard. I went down a dangerous Etsy rabbit hole of themed/customized party favors, which ultimately led to decoration ideas, and finally manifested into the purchase of 8 bags of organic, non-gmo, candy corn from Whole Foods (which was strictly for decorative use).
With party scheduled, a monkey wrench was thrown at me in the form of the 10-day weather forecast. I learned that the late-October afternoon we chose was going to be unseasonably 20 degrees warmer than normal. This information would continue interrupt my REM sleep each night with visions of what I might wear! I mean...think about it; late October, roof-top party, 87 degrees, halloween theme (did I mention it was Marcus’s first birthday party?)...what outfit would be seasonally, event, and weather appropriate?
I got lucky as during trip a to the mall, I gambled that there would be some late summer season attire on sale, and I won! So, I marched to the back wall at Neiman Marcus, and low and behold, under that little red, sale sign, there it was! A silk (seasonally appropriate) maxi-dress (weather appropriate) that was grey with a black, vertical tie-die pattern (event appropriate!). I paired it with some cat ears to appear festive, as every hostess should!
The moral of this tale, if it even needs one, is this: baby birthday parties are all for the parents and in my case, the Moms outfit. I wonder, was it all worth it? It totally was! I looked so cute and so did Marcus (and the cake was to die for).
As a side note, Marcus slept through most of it, cried during a majority of it and left early...
I have to thank the following for making the party so fun for me:-)
- Le Bakery Sensual for the best cake I’ve ever had...ever!
- Natalie from SoSweetPartyShop on Etsy for being the the root of my party-planning adventure
- Eileen Fisher for designing that dress just for me
- Janie and Jack for Marcus’s highly discounted summer outfit and my cat ears
- My husband for not yelling at me for the amount of money I spent ;-)
- Jacque, our amazing nanny, for photographing the event while wearing the cutest outfit you’ve ever seen:
- The weather Gods
- And of course, all of our attendees!