Clothes have always had a greater meaning to me beyond aesthetics. My clothes often tell a story, have a specific meaning or remind me of a time in my life. Awww, that's so sweet I almost cried!
Today's lesson in Fallin' (my official term transitioning your wardrobe from hot to cool) is when you get an inkling to cover up, do it with loose cotton and fabrics that breathe...Maybe a sneak peek into his closet is in order.
I decided to pair the ever-popular colored, skinny jean with my husband's old Hugo Boss tuxedo shirt! He's lost about 30lbs so it doesn't fit him anymore and without asking I've assumed it as StyleEye property.
The cut of a mens shirt is usually just long and loose enough to be casual but if draped properly on your person, can look like it was meant for you. Eyer's with men over 6'4, this may not apply to you, and those with a stubby hubby's keep reading.
3 quick tips for wearing his shirt:
1. Always roll the sleeves
2. Leave the two-three top buttons open, then fold the lapel and bring the shirt back a bit on your shoulders
3. A belt is NOT necessary when you stick the main rule, which is pair with a skinny/tight bottom
For my single ladies, this could be a good way to pick up guys in bars, just ask them to take their shirt off so you can try it on! Tell em' StyleEye sent you.
Sunglasses - Rent the Runway
Coral Skinny Jeans - Asos
Ostrich Effect Peep-Toes - Sole Society
Necklace - JCrew
Expression - Zoolander (Blue Steele...)
Very good look!
Posted by: Kiesha | August 10, 2012 at 10:00 AM